Thursday, September 30, 2010


Someone who seizes and imprisons some unsuspecting victim, freeing her or him only in exchange for money.

"Presently the bandits returned, with very sober faces. Despite their numbers and armed strength they brought back no loot at all, not so much as a ragged cloak; and only a single prisoner, a girl. However, to judge from her clothes, she belonged to one of the first families of the district and was so beautiful that though I was an ass, I swear that I fell deeply in love with her. They brought her into the cave where, in her distress, she began to pull her hair out and tear her clothes. They did what they could to comfort her. 'You are perfectly safe, Madame,' they assured her. 'We have no intention either of hurting you or showing you any discourtesy. Be patient for a few days, if only as a kindness to us: you see, it was poverty that forced us to take up this profession and your close-fisted parents are bound to hurry up with the ransom money. After all, you are their only daughter and they are disgustingly rich.'"

Apuleius, The Golden Ass (2nd Century A.D.)

[translated by Robert Graves]

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