Someone who weaves wigs for those in need of something more on the topside.
"Comes Chapman, the periwigg-maker, and upon my liking it, without more ado I went up, and there he cut off my haire, which went a little to my heart at present to part with it; but it being over and my perigwigg on, I paid him 3 pounds for it, and away went he with my owne haire to make up another of, and I by and by, after I had caused all my maids to look upon it; and they conclude it do become me, though Jane was mightily troubled for my parting of my own haire, and so was Besse. I went abroad to the coffee house, and coming back went to Sir Wm. Pen and there sat with him till late at night. Sir Wm. Pen observed mightily and discoursed much upon my cutting off my haire, as he do of every thing that concerns me, but it is over, and so I perceive after a day or two it will be no great matter."
Samuel Pepys, Diary (November 3, 1663).